
Thursday, March 26, 2009

Make yourself less attractive to mosquitoes

Ever wonder why a mosquito is attracted to you?

It's an interesting fact :) N'joy

Mosquitoes are attracted to us through the carbon dioxide (CO2) we exhale when we breathe. The production of C02 production varies from body to body based on its metabolic rate; those bodies with high metabolism tend to burn more C02 and are therefore more attractive to mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes are also attracted to lactic acid, which our bodies release after a workout or after eating salty and high-potassium foods. That would be bananas, pickles, potato chips and other snack foods.

Women are more attractive to mosquitoes than men because they like estrogen-based female hormones and the fruity and floral fragrances found in perfumes and bodycare products women use. But men may also carry these fragrances from scented sunscreens, fabric softeners and dryer sheets.

Mosquitoes prefer moist, cool bodies, wet from rain, perspiration or swimming.

They also like diabetics--yes, their blood is sweeter, but it's the high level of acetone in the blood mosquitoes love.

And if you are wearing light-colored clothing, particularly yellow, a mosquito will zoom right in on you.

So, to make your body unattractive to mosquitoes:

  • eat less salt
  • use unscented products
  • dry off your body
  • avoid sweets
  • wear dark colors

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